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Mellanox Passive Copper Cable, IB EDR, 100Gb/s, QSFP28, LSZH, 2 meters, Part ID: MCP1600-E002E30

Mellanox® Passive Copper cable, VPI, up to 100Gb/s, QSFP28, LSZH, 2m

Mellanox Passive Copper Cable, IB EDR, 100Gb/s, QSFP28, LSZH, 3 meters, Part ID: MCP1600-E003E26

Mellanox® Passive Copper cable, VPI, up to 100Gb/s, QSFP28, LSZH, 3m

Mellanox Passive Copper Cable, IB EDR, 100Gb/s, QSFP28, LSZH, 5 meters, Part ID: MCP1600-E005E26

Mellanox® Passive Copper cable, VPI, up to 100Gb/s, QSFP28, LSZH, 5m

Mellanox Passive Copper Cable, IB HDR, 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, 0.5 meter, Part ID: MCP1650-H00AE30

Mellanox® Passive Copper cable, IB HDR, up to 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, 0.5m, black pulltab, 30AWG

Mellanox Passive Copper Cable, IB HDR, 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, 1 meter, Part ID: MCP1650-H001E30

Mellanox® Passive Copper cable, IB HDR, up to 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, 1m, black pulltab, 30AWG

Mellanox Passive Copper Cable, IB HDR, 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, 1.5 meter, Part ID: MCP1650-H01AE30

Mellanox® Passive Copper cable, IB HDR, up to 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, 1.5m, black pulltab, 30AWG

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