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Mellanox VCSEL-Based Active Fiber Cable, 100Gb Ethernet, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 3 meters, Part ID: MFA1A00-C003

Mellanox VCSEL-based active fiber cable, ETH 100GbE, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 3m

Mellanox VCSEL-Based Active Fiber Cable, 100Gb Ethernet, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 30 meters, Part ID: MFA1A00-C030

Mellanox VCSEL-based active fiber cable, ETH 100GbE, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 30m

Mellanox VCSEL-Based Active Fiber Cable, 100Gb Ethernet, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 5 meters, Part ID: MFA1A00-C005

Mellanox VCSEL-based active fiber cable, ETH 100GbE, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 5m

Mellanox VCSEL-Based Active Fiber Cable, 100Gb Ethernet, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 50 meters, Part ID: MFA1A00-C050

Mellanox VCSEL-based active fiber cable, ETH 100GbE, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 50m

Mellanox VCSEL-Based Active Fiber Cable, IB EDR, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 1 meter, Part ID: MFA1A00-E001

Mellanox VCSEL-based active fiber cable, IB EDR, up to 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 1m

Mellanox VCSEL-Based Active Fiber Cable, IB EDR, 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 10 meters, Part ID: MFA1A00-E010

Mellanox VCSEL-based active fiber cable, IB EDR, up to 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 10m

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